The rain-soaked lands of Britain and Northern Ireland are rich in rivers, streams, lakes, ponds, canals and ditches. Whether natural or artificial, they are the life-force behind the wildlife we…
The rain-soaked lands of Britain and Northern Ireland are rich in rivers, streams, lakes, ponds, canals and ditches. Whether natural or artificial, they are the life-force behind the wildlife we…
Some cosmetics, soaps, washing-up liquids and cleaning products can be harmful to wildlife with long-lasting effects.
It's Asian hornet week (4th-10th of September 2023).
I'm Gareth, a Project Officer with the Wales Resilient Ecological Network (WaREN). In this blog, I will help you identify…
As a Trainee Reserves officer at Rutland Water Nature Reserve, Dale is lucky enough that he can take his passion for wildlife to work with him, with a job that will set him up for a career in…
Last summer, we held a wellbeing and writing walk, at our Spinnies Aberogwen Nature Reserve. We guided our participants through a wellbeing meditation, using their five senses to map out the…
North Wales Wildlife Trust staff and volunteers were deeply saddened to hear of the recent passing of Simon Smith, a gentle, caring and committed volunteer who supported our work in north east…
A lovely slice of broadleaf woodland creating a wildlife corridor, joining and contrasting with the large coniferous plantations of this remote valley.
A wonderful reed bed and woodland site filled with wildflowers, birdsong and facilities that allow you to get closer to wildlife.