Songs of the Spinnies - Part 1: The Main Hide
Often referred to as the Sea Hide, the Main Hide offers two stunning views ... one of which lets you see the entirety of the River Ogwen and the other a view of the lagoons. In Part 1 of this…
Often referred to as the Sea Hide, the Main Hide offers two stunning views ... one of which lets you see the entirety of the River Ogwen and the other a view of the lagoons. In Part 1 of this…
The carnivorous lifestyle of common butterwort makes this heathland plant a fascinating species. Its leaves excrete a sticky fluid that tempts unsuspecting insects to land and become its prey.
Soft brome is a tall, annual grass of roadside verges, waste ground and meadows, and is a 'weed' of arable land. It has long, grey-green leaves and loosely clustered flower spikes.
Timothy is a grass of meadows, arable land, waste ground and roadside verges. It is also cultivated as fodder for livestock. Look for slender stems and long, cylindrical flower spikes in summer.…
What do you think of when you hear the word fungi? For some thoughts might turn to mouth-watering mushrooms, carefully foraged from a supermarket shelf. For others it might conjure images of fairy…
North Wales Wildlife Trust is searching for an artist to create a memorial/sculpture at Gwaith Powdwr Nature Reserve, Penrhyndeudraeth.
Often referred to as the Sea Hide, the Main Hide offers two stunning views ... one of which lets you see the entirety of the River Ogwen and the other a view of the lagoons. In Part 2 of this…
With her sketchbook, Carol loves to get lost in the detail of the shore’s wildlife, plants, textures and fossils. And she always comes away feeling enriched.
Traditionally a small finch of woodland and scrub, it appears that the lesser redpoll is now moving into our gardens. It has a streaky brown body, red forehead and black bib, and mostly feeds on…
The silverfish is so-named for its fish-like way of moving and its silvery scales. It can be found in the damp corners of the house, such as the kitchen or bathroom. Infestations can cause serious…
Malcolm loves volunteering every week at Blashford Lakes Nature Reserve where he indulges in his passion for wildlife, keeps active and meets with friends.