Death's-head hawk-moth
This unmistakeable moth, famous for its skull-shaped marking, is a rare visitor to the UK.
Speckled wood butterfly - Vicky Nall
This unmistakeable moth, famous for its skull-shaped marking, is a rare visitor to the UK.
Familiar as the bristly plant that easily hooks on to our clothing as we walk through the countryside or do the gardening, cleavers uses its hooks to help it climb and to disperse its seeds.
At first glance a beach in the middle of winter seems like a bleak, lifeless environment. However, when you look closer you will realise that life still thrives despite freezing air and stormy…
Sophia has spent almost a year on work experience with us as part of her Bangor University course. She's enjoyed every aspect of the marine team's work, from our various projects on…
I’m Libby, and I’m currently completing a research development internship in sustainable aquaculture (basically farming in water) at the Scottish Association for Marine Science (SAMS) in Oban. In…
Discover the value of meadows to people and wildlife and have a go at making your own!
Mae'r rhywogaeth yma o forwellt yn fath o blanhigyn blodeuol sy'n byw o dan y môr, gan ddarparu cynefin pwysig i lawer o rywogaethau prin a rhyfeddol.
Ydych chi wedi gweld y twmpathau tebyg i bryfed genwair yma erioed ar draethau? Arwyddion o lyngyr y traeth yw’r rhain! Nid yw’r llyngyr eu hunain i’w gweld byth bron, ac eithrio gan bysgotwyr sy’…
The porbeagle shark is a member of the shark family Lamnidae, making it one of the closest living relatives of the great white shark.
Acclaimed underwater photographer Paul Naylor has been diving and capturing images of life in the waters around the British coast for years, with over 2,000 dives to his name. He knows the impact…
The lowest Spring tides of the year can reveal areas of the shore very sensitive to footfall. Care was taken as we accessed areas full of worm tubes, anemones, breeding slugs and luscious red…