Living Seas LIVE!
This summer, our Living Seas Wales team are heading out on the road! Expect virtual-reality experiences, rockpooling, beachcombing, snorkelling, sea-watching and much more! Find out where to see…
Cors Dyfi beaver family reunited!
Following on from the release of the male beaver, ‘Barti’, and his son in late March, the mother beaver has now been reunited with her family group. The whole beaver family is now together at…
Nursery web spider
A common spider of heathland and grassland, the Nursery web spider has brown and black stripes running the length of its body. It is an active hunter, only using its silk to create a protective…
Blanket bog
Bleak, treeless and often shrouded in low cloud, blanket bog can seem a desolate habitat. However, the wildness of the huge, empty landscapes and wide skies are compelling, as is the chance of…
My family
Rutland Water has been a part of Becky's life since she was 16. She has grown up with the staff and volunteers as her extended family and closest friends. At the age of 16, she met her…
Grey Seal BLOG - Pupping season
Right now grey seals/Morloi llwyd (Halichoerus grypus) will be returning to haul out sites all along our coasts for the pupping season.
My timeout
Jessica-Jane Applegate MBE is a Paralympic and World Champion swimmer. She spends so much time training and rushing around from one venue to another, her favourite place is her garden. Here she…
Spinning Stories at the Spinnies Aberogwen
For 30 Days Wild 2023, we invited those that love to write to join us at Spinnies Aberogwen Nature Reserve for a creative writing walk. Here is a selection of wonderful prose written by some of…
Bangor's COP26 march: Through the lens of a Stand For Nature Wales youth member
Megan Stone, one of our Stand For Nature Wales youth members, describes her first climate march experience and the steps she took to capture these moving photographs.
Seashore Winter Wandering!
"There’s no need to wait until the summer to head to the seaside - for me, it really is the best place to spend a wild and wintery weekend!" says Nia Haf Jones, our Living Seas Manager…
New neighbours for Gors Maen Llwyd!
Our Gors Maen Llwyd Nature Reserve, on the shores of Llyn Brenig, has some exciting new neighbours... a pair of ospreys have nested on a specially built platform in the lake and are the first…