Nick Richards © NWWT
Meet Nick, reserves assistant and work placement with our reserves team 2023 - 2024. We appreciate all the work Nick has done and wish him the best of luck for his future career in conservation.
Nick Richards © NWWT
Meet Nick, reserves assistant and work placement with our reserves team 2023 - 2024. We appreciate all the work Nick has done and wish him the best of luck for his future career in conservation.
What does your role involve?
I mainly work in the reserves team, with most days consisting of being out and about across north-west Wales. Fencing to bird surveys, moth trapping to chainsawing, the range of tasks has been amazing!
What was your path to North Wales Wildlife Trust?
I started a degree in astrophysics, but I wasn’t enjoying my time at all and dropped out at the end of my second year. I started volunteering with the North Wales Wildlife Trust and got offered my placement!
When did you first become interested in nature and wildlife?
I grew up in the countryside, so being surrounded by wildlife I have always been interested in the natural world. It was when I went to university that I realised how much I missed being outdoors and how important it is to me.
What’s been the best thing about your time at the Trust?
It’s very hard to narrow it down to a single thing as one of the aspects I have enjoyed the most is the breadth of work. I have especially enjoyed working with the different teams within the North Wales Wildlife Trust, such as grey seal monitoring with the marine team. Choosing a single ‘best thing’ would be the verges on Anglesey. In winter we spent several days raking off some of the verges we manage, and we have recently gone back and carried out botanical surveys on them. It’s been great to see our efforts paying off, and I’ve loved learning about the wildflowers.
What do you plan to do next?
I’m heading off to Skomer Island for three months as a long-term volunteer. I’m really looking forward to using the skills I have gained during my placement in another position.
Can you tell us something that has inspired you recently?
I’ve been watching BBC Springwatch which is always a favourite of mine. I love how we’re always learning more about nature in the UK and how amazing the wildlife is right on our doorstep. Even the commonest plants and animals have amazing traits which I’m only just learning about.