Our 'Our Wild Coast' story...
Ysgol Tir Morfa in Rhyl have been participating in the project now for nearly two years. Here is teacher Sara Griffith’s moving account of their first year with us, from the experiences they’ve…
North Wales Wildlife Trust turns to full fibre to protect our wildlife
Having ultrafast full fibre broadband at our East office (Aberduna Nature Reserve) has revolutionised the way that North Wales Wildlife Trust works.
Prosiect Afancod Cymru
Hen harrier
The hen harrier has been severely persecuted for taking game species and has suffered massive declines in numbers as a result. Thankfully, conservation projects are underway to reduce conflict…
How to build a swift box
Swifts like to leave their nests by dropping into the air from the entrance. This is why they often choose to set up camp in the eaves of buildings. If you have a wall that's at least five…
Our partners
Our promises
Our impact
Saving Our Grasslands
Save our limestone grasslands from the invasion of cotoneaster by signing up to the Plant Swap Scheme and receive a £10 National Garden Gift Voucher. Help protect our local wildlife by reducing…
'Our Wild Coast' - The journey comes to an end
After nearly five years of fantastic wild adventures, the Our Wild Coast project draws to a close.
Dramatic swift decline in Wales
Recent British Trust for Ornithology report suggests the rate of decline of Welsh swifts has accelerated.