My office
Susan’s passion is her herd of English longhorn cattle. She believes in teaching our youngsters about the value of organic farming for quality food and for the environment.
Sessile oak
The Sessile oak is so-called because its acorns are not held on stalks like those of the familiar English oak. It can be found in woodlands mainly in the north and west of the UK.
BBC Springwatch
Our people - Freya Ryan
Meet Freya Ryan - reserves assistant and student placement with our reserves team 2023 - 2024
Our people - Nick Richards
Meet Nick Richards - reserves assistant and work placement with our reserves team 2023 - 2024
Common earwig
Despite popular belief, and its name (from the Old English for 'ear beetle'), the Common earwig will not crawl into your ear while you sleep - it much prefers a nice log or stone pile!…
Owl’loween at Cors Goch
We recently hosted “Owl’loween” at our Cors Goch Nature Reserve, bringing families together for a day full of fun, learning, and a few spooky surprises! Held during the half-term break, this event…
Landing page BPW and Spinnies
Getting to know our hibernating mammals
As the days get colder, wildlife species are building up fat reserves and getting ready for winter. But did you know there are only three mammals in the UK that truly hibernate?
Owl cam
Towns and gardens
The green spaces of our towns and gardens bring nature into our daily lives, brightening our mornings with birdsong and the busy buzzing of bees. Together, the UK's gardens are larger than…