Speckled wood butterfly - Vicky Nall
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Cotton spinner
Although they might not look it, sea cucumbers like this one belong to the Echinoderm group and are therefore closely related to starfish and sea urchins
My social network
Jen doesn't need her phone to get connected - she can hear the tweeting of birds, see the flicker of sunlight in the reeds and share her interest in wildlife with like-minded people. All…
Grey seals on our Welsh coast
Grey seals can be quite a common site along the coastline of Wales with many people, home and away, taking trips out into the Welsh waters in search of sighting them. Whether you are already one…
Sometimes known as the snipe of the woods, the exquisitely camouflaged woodcock is mainly nocturnal, hiding in the dense undergrowth of woodlands and heathlands during the day.
My classroom
For Issy, wildlife is all about learning. It’s her enormous outdoor classroom.
Days Out
My world
John has worked in fisheries management for over 25 years. He has seen our waterways at their best – and their worst. He knows firsthand how devastating unhealthy rivers can be for wildlife and…
My sanctuary
Anne’s garden provides an amazing place for wildlife. She has helped rescue hedgehogs and released them to start a life in the wild again from there. Her camera traps allow her to see when they…
Coniferous plantation
Dark and brooding from a distance, the strong geometric lines and monotonous rows of uniformly sized trees can jar the eye and seem devoid of wildlife. But venture within and open ride edges,…
After the great harvest
The flowers may be fading, but there’s plenty of life in your garden yet!