The brilliance and benefits of trees and hedges
Anna Williams, Education and Community Officer, writes about the beauty of trees and hedges and encourages us to plant and grow our own in order to support the wildlife and natural world we love…
Speckled wood butterfly - Vicky Nall
Anna Williams, Education and Community Officer, writes about the beauty of trees and hedges and encourages us to plant and grow our own in order to support the wildlife and natural world we love…
After many months of planning and discussions we finally saw the arrival of beavers at Montgomeryshire Wildlife Trust’s Cors Dyfi Nature Reserve!
A guided wildlife walk along wooded lanes to Coed Porthaml Nature Reserve - a coastal walk with stunning views.
Sometimes called 'Marsh samphire', wild common glasswort is often gathered and eaten. It grows on saltmarshes and beaches, sometimes forming big, green, fleshy carpets.
Taith bywyd gwyllt dywys ar hyd lonydd coediog i Warchodfa Natur Coed Porthaml - taith gerdded arfordirol gyda golygfeydd godidog.
Encountering wildlife in its natural environment is a privilege and, while spending time scanning the open sea can be therapeutic in itself, coupled with chance encounters these experiences can…
People are becoming increasingly aware of the interconnectedness of our planet’s natural life support systems, and the fact that the health of our ecosystems is directly linked to the wellbeing…
Lancashire Wildlife Trust is working with Moorfield Primary school in Irlam to deliver both indoor and outdoor education on the mossland habitat. This includes the history of the area, and the…
Water-cress has become so popular as a salad addition that it is now cultivated on a wide scale. In the wild, it grows in shallow, fast-flowing streams and is an indicator of clean water.
The wild rock dove is the ancestor to what is probably our most familiar bird - the feral pigeon, which is often found in large numbers in our towns and cities.