Speckled wood butterfly - Vicky Nall
Atlantic salmon
The Atlantic salmon spends most of its life at sea, but makes an epic journey back to the river or stream in which it hatched to spawn. Look out for it in freshwater rivers in the north and west…
Barnacle goose
The black-and-white barnacle goose flies here for the 'warmer' winter from Greenland and Svalbard. This epic journey was once a mystery to people, who thought it hatched from the goose…
Common dolphin
These energetic dolphins are often spotted in large groups which will approach boats, bowriding and leaping alongside. At sea, they can form superpods - huge groups made up of thousands of…
Common scoter
The common scoter has suffered large declines in the UK, threatening its survival here. Look out for this duck feeding at sea in winter when its numbers are bolstered by migrating birds.
Serrated wrack
This brown seaweed lives in the lower shore and gets its name from the serrated edges to its fronds.
Tufted duck
This comical little duck lives up to its name – look out for the black tuft of feathers on its head!
Things you can do about climate change
My perspective
Ben grew up at the Naze paddling in the sea and looking for sharks’ teeth. After graduation, he returned to the landscape he loves to help local people experience the wonders of the natural world…
Shoresearch intertidal surveys - Feb 2023
We began the month with our Have-a-go sessions, each of them very well supported by our building band of Shoresearchers. Thank you, all. The month ended with the three group surveys and a training…
My breath of fresh air
Michael manages Stanley Moss Nature Reserve; he loves the serenity of the area and the different wildlife that he can see. The area was once used for coal mining, and was drained and planted with…
Wetland bird walk
A wetland bird walk along the cob to our Traeth Glaslyn Nature Reserve bird hide to see which birds are visiting the area