My vocation
Elaine has spent her life surrounded by wild places; when she started to volunteer with BBOWT she realised that nature conservation was the job of her dreams. As well as looking after nine nature…
Speckled wood butterfly - Vicky Nall
Elaine has spent her life surrounded by wild places; when she started to volunteer with BBOWT she realised that nature conservation was the job of her dreams. As well as looking after nine nature…
Caroline runs events and walks for the North Wales Wildlife Trusts ... in this blog she shares a January walk around Cemlyn Nature Reserve.
Jackie Maynard, long standing volunteer and member of North Wales Wildlife Trust, shares her fond memories of Peter Benoit who made a significant contribution to the Trust’s knowledge of lower…
Rutland Water has been a part of Becky's life since she was 16. She has grown up with the staff and volunteers as her extended family and closest friends. At the age of 16, she met her…
Diane Lea shares her grandfather’s explosive story – and why she has chosen to support his legacy at Gwaith Powdwr Nature Reserve with a legacy of her own.
In the final of our series of blogs to mark the fiftieth anniversary of Cemlyn as a nature reserve we recall the wardens and volunteers who have played such an important role in protecting the…
In the final two blogs to mark the fiftieth anniversary of Cemlyn as a nature reserve we recall some of the people who have being involved in the protection of the Cemlyn tern colony and celebrate…
Volunteering on a nature reserve turned Adam’s life around after a difficult time in life. As Assistant Reserve Officer, wildlife is both his stress relief and his career.
Last summer, we held a wellbeing and writing walk, at our Spinnies Aberogwen Nature Reserve. We guided our participants through a wellbeing meditation, using their five senses to map out the…