Marsh cinquefoil
Look for the deep magenta, star-shaped flowers of Marsh cinquefoil in marshes, bogs, fens and wetlands in the north, west and east of the UK.
Wedi'i gyfyngu'n bennaf i ogledd y DU, mae’r bele prin yn nosol ac yn anodd iawn ei weld. Fodd bynnag, gellir ei hudo i ymweld â bwrdd adar llawn pysgnau.
Hard rush
The stiff, spiky and upright leaves and brown flowers of hard rush are a familiar sight of wetlands, riversides, dune slacks and marshes across England and Wales.
Remembering Morag McGrath
Geoff Radford, former Trust Chairman, and friend of Morag McGrath remembers the significant contribution she made to conservation organisations in North Wales
Known for its bandit-like appearance, the polecat was once so persecuted it was on the brink of extinction in the UK. Thankfully, numbers are now increasing in rural Wales and parts of England.…
My passion
Graham has been mad about butterflies all his life. He volunteers for Nottinghamshire Wildlife Trust and records them on a local nature reserve as well as nationally.
My legacy
Kati wants her grandchildren to inherit a county that is rich in wildlife. That’s why she has left a legacy to Surrey Wildlife Trust
to help protect the countryside for Oliver and Harry.
A summer visitor to the UK, the red-tailed redstart is a robin-sized bird that can be spotted in woodlands, parks and hedgerows, mainly in the north and west of the UK.
Common clubtail
The Common clubtail is on the wing in spring and summer. It is an elusive dragonfly that is easiest to see when it first emerges. It can be found along rivers in Southern England and Wales.
Update on Wylfa
Large-leaved lime
A scarce tree of England and Wales, the Large-leaved lime is the rarest of our native limes. It is tall and broad, and can be found in forests and parks, where it is frequently planted.