Update on Wylfa
A summer visitor to the UK, the red-tailed redstart is a robin-sized bird that can be spotted in woodlands, parks and hedgerows, mainly in the north and west of the UK.
Môr-wenoliaid pigddu’n hwyr yn cyrraedd Cemlyn!
Dim ots pa mor dda da chi’n meddwl eich bod yn adnabod lleoliad a’r bywyd gwyllt uno, mae yna wastad rhywbeth annisgwyl yn troi fyny! Eleni, cawsom brofiad o hyn gyda’r môr-wennoliaid yn cadw ni’…
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Jersey tiger
The jersey tiger moth is a beautiful moth with creamy white strips on its forewing and bold orange underwings. It is mainly found in the south.
Woolly thistle
Look for the round, cottony, purple flower heads of the Woolly thistle on chalk and limestone grasslands in summer. It is mainly found in Southern England.
Silver-studded blue
The dazzling silver-studded blue is a rare butterfly of heathland habitats, mainly in southern England. It has undergone severe population declines in recent years.
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The linnet can be seen on farmland and heathland across the UK. But, like so many other farmland birds, linnets are declining rapidly, mainly due to agricultural intensification.
Sessile oak
The Sessile oak is so-called because its acorns are not held on stalks like those of the familiar English oak. It can be found in woodlands mainly in the north and west of the UK.