Primary school beaver education resource
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My office
Deborah is Ulster Wildlife’s Nature Reserves Officer. Alongside a team of dedicated volunteers, she works to protect our special places to help both wildlife and people thrive.
Our work in communities
Plast Off! - Finishing 2019 as we started it, with a big community beach clean!
We said fairwell to 2019 with another ‘Plast Off!’ beach clean event on the west coast of Anglesey. This time around, members of our NE Wales Youth Forum were in the driving seat; organising the…
Meadows for Life – have a go and make your own!
Anna Williams, Education and Community Officer, encourages you to have a look at your green patch through the eyes of an insect!
The brilliance and benefits of trees and hedges
Anna Williams, Education and Community Officer, writes about the beauty of trees and hedges and encourages us to plant and grow our own in order to support the wildlife and natural world we love…
My office
Susan’s passion is her herd of English longhorn cattle. She believes in teaching our youngsters about the value of organic farming for quality food and for the environment.
Diary of a WaREN project officer - Ecosystem Invaders
Hi, we are Jess and Gareth, the Project Officers for the Wales Resilient Ecological Network (WaREN). In this blog we’ll be reflecting on our invasive species campaign, Ecosystem Invaders, talking…
My office
Gary is the Badger Edge Vaccination Scheme (BEVS) Project Manager for Nottinghamshire Wildlife Trust. He is injecting badgers to protect them against bovine tuberculosis (bTB) to help curb the…