Our people - Nick Richards
Meet Nick Richards - reserves assistant and work placement with our reserves team 2023 - 2024
Meet Nick Richards - reserves assistant and work placement with our reserves team 2023 - 2024
Yn ddiweddar fe wnaethon ni gynnal digwyddiad ‘Tylluanod Nid Bwganod’ yn ein Gwarchodfa Natur ni yng Nghors Goch, gan ddod â theuluoedd at ei gilydd am ddiwrnod llawn hwyl, dysgu, ac ambell…
Enjoy our showiest insects – and the flowers they depend on – at Cors Goch Nature Reserve
As the days get colder, wildlife species are building up fat reserves and getting ready for winter. But did you know there are only three mammals in the UK that truly hibernate?
After many months of planning and discussions we finally saw the arrival of beavers at Montgomeryshire Wildlife Trust’s Cors Dyfi Nature Reserve!
The green spaces of our towns and gardens bring nature into our daily lives, brightening our mornings with birdsong and the busy buzzing of bees. Together, the UK's gardens are larger than…
Last year, volunteering on our nature reserves increased by an amazing 20%!
Generally found as part of lowland farms or nature reserves, these small, flower-rich fields are at their best in midsummer when the plethora of flowers and insects is a delight. Tiny reminders of…
Hannah Everett, one of our conservation interns, takes us on a journey through some North Wales Wildlife Trust nature reserves and the activities she has undertaken on site to help protect our…