Blog: Winter


Robin perched on a frosty branch

Mythau a llên gwerin Nadoligaidd

Mae Sophie Baker, swyddog cyfathrebu gydag Ymddiriedolaeth Natur Swydd Bedford, Swydd Caergrawnt a Swydd Northampton, yn edrych ar ein rhywogaethau brodorol ni sydd wedi dod yn symbolau…


Getting to know our hibernating mammals

As the days get colder, wildlife species are building up fat reserves and getting ready for winter. But did you know there are only three mammals in the UK that truly hibernate?

Living Seas Intern Emma Lowe on the Mena Straight

Discovering a winter rockpool

At first glance a beach in the middle of winter seems like a bleak, lifeless environment. However, when you look closer you will realise that life still thrives despite freezing air and stormy…

Hannah Everett, Our Wild Coast conservation intern

Winter walks and wildlife wonders

Hannah Everett, one of our conservation interns, takes us on a journey through some North Wales Wildlife Trust nature reserves and the activities she has undertaken on site to help protect our…


Rhyfeddodau naturiol fis Chwefror eleni

Er bod tywydd mis Chwefror yn tueddu i’n cadw ni yn realiti oer y gaeaf, mae’r mis hefyd yn cynnig rhai rhyfeddodau o ran bywyd gwyllt sy’n gallu ein cynnal ni nes daw’r gwanwyn. Yn y blog yma,…

Two Tufted Ducks

Sut i adnabod hwyaid plymio

Y gaeaf yma, beth am roi munud neu ddau i ddysgu am yr anifeiliaid rhyfeddol yma.

Bydd y blog yma, sy’n cynnwys fideo, yn rhoi cyflwyniad i chi i natur hwyaid plymio cyn eich tywys drwy…

Coastal walk

Seashore Winter Wandering!

"There’s no need to wait until the summer to head to the seaside - for me, it really is the best place to spend a wild and wintery weekend!" says Nia Haf Jones, our Living Seas Manager…